Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bombardier's Deal Stinks

Well, people are at it again with this whole Bombardier deal. I was hoping it would simply be destroyed in the Senate, but my hopes were destroyed instead.

Written by Jason Noble

Earlier versions of the bill had included stringent conflict-of-interest guidelines that would prevent current lawmakers, Department of Economic Development officials and their families from working not only for a company receiving the $240 million tax-credit package, but also any firms contracting with that company.

Among those affected were Amy Blunt, sister to Gov. Matt Blunt, and Sen. Jack Goodman, a Mt. Vernon Republican.

The version of the bill approved Thursday includes a conflict-of-interest clause, but limits it to elected officials and some Department of Economic Development officials going to work directly for Bombardier or one of its subsidiaries, meaning Lathrop & Gage is once again a safe haven for lawmakers and their kin.

This bill, which would allow millions of our dollars to be basically given to a Canadian company, is rotten as it is. Now, there seem to be breaks for 'special people'. Additionally, there has never been a lot of transparency with it either. Greg Steinoff recently told people he was sorry, but he could not release all the details. So, we don't know everything there is to know and the Governor's sister will not be affected...all on top of the millions we would lose. Can Missouri afford this...can you afford this?

All I can say about this is Stinky Stinky!